Discovering Beauty And Danger In South Africa

Last September I was already making plans for my vacation in Summer 2018.  I knew I wanted to hit the Southwest again, especially during July to get some Milkyway photos and to spend more time in the Bisti Badlands and possibly the North rim of the Grand Canyon, but an opportunity suddenly arose when my colleague at Mt San Antonio College asked me to accompany his group to take some photos as they competed in the World Choir Games in South Africa from July 6 – 20.  I had never been to Africa and he offered to pay my way there, so, not being a complete idiot, I immediately said yes.  With that in mind, what follows are not photos from a photography trip, but shots taken while accompanying some very talented college singers on their two week trip through South Africa.

Our itinerary had us landing in Johannesburg, competing for a week in Pretoria before flying from Johannesburg to Cape Town.  When I first got the news,