A Stormy Day In The Alabama Hills

Last Monday I headed up to the Alabama Hills to try out some time-lapse with some stormy skies.  This was my first official attempt at time-lapse after experimenting a bit over the past few weeks. I have been heavily influenced by both Michael Shainblum and Michael Oblinski, and while this attempt isn’t remotely close to what these guys are posting, it was definitely fun to see what I could come up with as a first effort.  I’ve also been watching a ton of storm chasing videos lately and even though this was a weenie storm compared to what they are getting in the midwest, at least it was SOMETHING as we typically don’t see anything like this in North Orange County in the Summer months.

Secondly, I’ve never used Adobe Premiere before, and so I had quite a bit of fun combining footage from my GoPro and iPhone in addition to the time-lapse footage from my D750. I’m hoping to post more video content onto my youtube channel in the near future.

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